Speedy Ortiz – “You S02″


Photo by Shervin Lainez

Speedy Ortiz are not old, but they have been around long enough to warrant the wisdom they preach surrounding the culture and industry, for a lack of better words, of being indie rock stars. Citing seedy characters are nothing new in the Sadie Dupuis’ songwriting inspo board, but on “You S02″, the second single from the band’s newly-announced fifth full-length, Rabbit Rabbit, her lyricism levels up in its execution with even more detailed portraits of them in the scene – a certain kind of legend in their own mind who enjoys the advantages of their past peaks, but whose actions don’t contribute to empowering the rest of the community with their wealth. “It’s no small claim to say your acolyte / Is a voice in your head you drown out when your work’s not sitting right / Head to your weekend home, pass out for the strike / Is this what love’s like?,” she wonders. The best part about this track isn’t just hearing Dupuis throwing due shade, however. With the band now re-solidifying themselves as creative equals between Dupuis, guitarist Andy Molholt, bassist Audrey Zee Whitesides, and drummer Joey Doubek, the mechanics of shrugging off their foes are popping off in a big way in their spell of professionally vexed zoomies, add in Illuminati Hotties’ Sarah Tudzin’s touch of production gloss. This is to say that this season of Speedy Ortiz is a must-watch…

Directed by: Elle Schneider

Speedy Ortiz’ Rabbit Rabbit will be released September 1st on Wax Nine.





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